68% of travelers began researching online before they decided where or how to travel
— 2013 Google Traveler Research Study

Engaging potential guests before & during their travel planning is essential in driving loyalty & revenue.  People are looking to your Social Media channels, not for a carefully crafted sales pitch, but to build a 'personal' connection with the property they are going to call home during their travel or the restaurant where they are going to share a meal.

Zillion's MONITORING of your Social Media channels is essential to customer engagement.  

We monitor your Social Channels so nothing will slip through the cracks.  You focus on the day to day operations of your business, we will handle your Social Media presence.

55% of people like social media pages related to trips they are planning

At Zillion, we 'take on the voice of your business' while actively interacting with future & current customers.  This engagement instills value & helps drive revenue to your business.

Adam and the social media team take a proactive approach to social media marketing. The response to changes in brand standards is always swift and accurate. Adam is a great partner for us.
— Courtney Cox eCommerce Manager Hilton Worldwide